Mastering Productivity: Firefox's URL Bar as a Powerful Calculator



When it comes to browsing the web, Firefox has long been a popular choice among users due to its flexibility and customization options. However, did you know that there’s a hidden gem within Firefox that can transform your browsing experience? By enabling the calculator functionality on the Firefox URL search bar, you can perform quick calculations without the need for a separate calculator application. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to unlock this feature and enhance your productivity while using Firefox.

Step 1:

Accessing Firefox’s Advanced Configuration Settings To begin, we need to access Firefox’s advanced configuration settings, also known as about:config. Follow these steps:

  1. Open a new tab in your Firefox browser.
  2. In the URL bar, type about:config (without the quotation marks) and press Enter.
  3. A warning message will appear, acknowledging the risks of modifying advanced settings. Proceed with caution as these settings control the browser’s behavior.
  4. Click on the “Accept the Risk and Continue” button to access the configuration settings.

Step 2:

Enabling the Calculator Functionality Once you have successfully accessed the advanced configuration settings, it’s time to enable the calculator functionality on the URL search bar. Here’s how:

  1. In the search bar within the about:config page, type “browser.urlbar.suggest.calculator” (without the quotation marks).
  2. The search results should display a single preference named “browser.urlbar.suggest.calculator.”
  3. By default, the value of this preference is set to “false.” To enable the calculator, double-click on the preference.
  4. The value will change to “true,” indicating that the calculator functionality is activated.
firefox config

Step 3:

Utilizing the Calculator on the Firefox URL Search Bar Congratulations! You have successfully enabled the calculator functionality on the Firefox URL search bar. Now, let’s put it to use:

  1. Click on the URL bar at the top of your Firefox browser window.
  2. Begin typing a calculation, such as “2 + 3 * 4” (without the quotation marks).
  3. As you type, you will notice that Firefox automatically suggests the calculated result in a dropdown list below the URL bar.
  4. Press Enter to select the suggested result, and Firefox will instantly display the answer in the URL bar.


Following these simple steps, you have unlocked a powerful feature in Firefox that allows you to perform quick calculations directly from the URL search bar. This hidden calculator functionality enhances your browsing experience by eliminating the need for a separate calculator application. Whether you’re a student, professional, or simply someone who frequently performs calculations, Firefox’s built-in calculator is a valuable tool at your fingertips. Boost your productivity and streamline your workflow with this fantastic feature in Firefox. Give it a try today and enjoy the convenience of on-the-fly calculations while browsing the web.


Beyond SVG: Discovering the Top Alternatives for Flutter Development


When developing Flutter applications, incorporating SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files can add visual appeal and flexibility to your UI. However, the standard approach of using the flutter_svg package to render SVG files may result in larger file sizes, potentially impacting app performance. In this article, we will explore an alternative method that allows you to utilize SVGs in Flutter without the need for additional assets. By following the steps outlined below, you can achieve faster, smoother rendering and smaller file sizes for your Flutter projects.

Step 1:

Copy the SVG Code To begin, locate the SVG file you wish to incorporate into your Flutter project. Instead of using the flutter_svg package, we will convert the SVG code directly into Flutter code. Copy the SVG code from your file.

Step 2:

Convert SVG to Flutter Painter Next, visit the website “Flutter Shape Maker” at This online tool enables you to convert SVG code into Flutter CustomPainter code, which can be directly used to render the SVG in your Flutter project.

Paste the SVG code into the provided text box on the Flutter Shape Maker website. The tool will automatically generate the corresponding Flutter CustomPainter code based on the SVG. This code will contain the necessary instructions to render the SVG as a visual element in your Flutter UI.

Step 3:

Implement the CustomPainter in Your Flutter Project Now that you have the generated CustomPainter code, you can incorporate it into your Flutter project. Create a new Flutter widget or modify an existing one to include the CustomPaint widget. The CustomPaint widget allows you to draw arbitrary graphics using the provided CustomPainter implementation.

Inside the CustomPaint widget, set the painter property to an instance of the CustomPainter class generated by the Flutter Shape Maker website. This will ensure that the SVG is rendered correctly within your Flutter UI.

Additionally, remember to specify the desired size for the SVG by setting the size property of the CustomPaint widget. This ensures that the SVG is displayed at the intended dimensions within your UI.


By following the steps outlined above, you can optimize the rendering of SVG files in your Flutter projects. By converting the SVG code into Flutter CustomPainter code using the Flutter Shape Maker website, you can eliminate the need for additional assets and achieve improved performance and smaller file sizes. This approach allows for faster and smoother rendering of SVGs, enhancing the overall user experience of your Flutter applications.

Remember to apply the suggested method the next time you need to incorporate SVGs in your Flutter projects, and enjoy the benefits of optimized SVG rendering.


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How to compress json file

For a single file use this:

 jq -c . all_json_words.json > minify_words.json

to use it in a for loop

for file in *.json; do
    jq -c . "$file" > "${file%.json}.min.json"

How to watch Dragon Ball in order by canon

 If you want to skip all the Dragon Ball that isn't considered canon, i.e the series and films which don't follow the events of the manga and were made without any input from creator Akira Toriyama, then there is an alternative watch order below.

Those entries considered non-canon include the series Dragon Ball GT in addition to the majority of the films. Then you also have to make the choice of whether to watch Dragon Ball Z for the more extensive experience or Dragon Ball Kai for the more refined approach.

Here is the list for fans who wish to watch Dragon Ball canonically:

  • Dragon Ball: all episodes
  • Dragon Ball Z or Kai: until the end of the Frieza Saga
  • Dragon Ball Z: Bardock – The Father of Goku (TV Special)
  • Dragon Ball Z: until the end of the Cell saga
  • Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks (TV Special)
  • Dragon Ball Z: all remaining episodes
  • Dragon Ball Super

How to watch Dragon Ball in chronological order

Here is how to watch Dragon Ball in chronological order:

  • Dragon Ball
  • Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z: episodes 1-86
  • Dragon Ball Z: Bardock – The Father of Goku (TV Special)
  • Dragon Ball Z: episodes 87-107
  • Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z: episodes 108-123
  • Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks (TV Special)
  • Dragon Ball Z: episodes 124 and 125
  • Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z: episodes 126-146
  • Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13 (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z episodes 147-173
  • Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z: episodes 174-194
  • Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z: episodes 195-207
  • Dragon Ball Z: Broly’s Second Coming (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z: episodes 208-250
  • Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z: episodes 251-253
  • Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z: episodes 254-288
  • Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Z: episodes 289-291
  • Dragon Ball GT: episodes 1-64
  • Dragon Ball Super: episodes 1-3
  • Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Super: episodes 4-18
  • Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F (movie)
  • Dragon Ball Super: episodes 19-131
  • Dragon Ball Super: Broly (movie)
  • Super Dragon Ball Heroes
  • Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

Make Android Emulator Working on Fedora i3wm

 I'll make this post very short and simple, so i could came back and see what i did after facing the problem.

first of all 

Install KVM on Fedora

First, check whether your CPU supports Intel VT / AMD SVM or not.

egrep --color 'vmx|svm' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l

Output: If the output is non-zero, your machine has Intel or AMD virtualization support.

Then, install the KVM to have hardware acceleration for better performance of Android Studio if your machine supports VT technology.

sudo dnf install -y qemu-kvm bridge-utils libvirt virt-install

Now Install the Android studio from using any package manager.

Now if android emulator running slow on your Fedora then

run chattr +C command on both Sdk/system-images and ~/.android/avd directories

then run 

echo "QuickbootFileBacked = off" >> ~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini

I hope this helps future meh! :)



How to Convert SVG to PNG on Linux

How to Convert SVG to PNG on Linux

If you have an SVG image that you need to convert to a PNG image, Linux provides a simple solution using the convert command from the ImageMagick software suite. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of converting an SVG image to a PNG image on Linux.


Before we get started, make sure that you have ImageMagick installed on your Linux system. You can check if it's installed by running the following command in your terminal:

convert -version

If ImageMagick is not installed, you can install it using your distribution's package manager. For example, on Ubuntu or Debian, you can run the following command:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Once ImageMagick is installed, we can move on to the next step.

Step 1: Navigate to the Directory Containing Your SVG File

Open a terminal and navigate to the directory that contains your SVG file. You can do this using the cd command followed by the directory path. For example:

cd /home/username/images/

Step 2: Convert SVG to PNG

Now that you're in the directory containing your SVG file, you can use the convert command to convert it to a PNG file. Here's the command:

convert -background transparent input.svg output.png

In this command, replace "input.svg" with the name of your SVG file and "output.png" with the desired name for your PNG file. The -background transparent option makes the background of the PNG image transparent.

Step 3 (Optional): Resize the PNG Image

If you want to resize the output PNG image, you can use the -resize option followed by the desired dimensions. For example:

convert -background transparent -resize 500x input.svg output.png

This command resizes the output PNG image to 500 pixels wide.

Step 4: Check Your PNG File

Once the conversion is complete, you can check that your PNG file was created successfully by running the ls command:


This command lists all the files in the current directory. Your PNG file should be listed along with any other files in the directory.


In this tutorial, we've shown you how to convert an SVG image to a PNG image on Linux using the convert command from the ImageMagick software suite. With these simple steps, you can quickly convert your SVG images to PNG images on your Linux system.
